Sunday, January 25, 2009

Going to the Dogs

I can't believe I came home from frozen Minnesota only to hear the weather man say we're about to get a really bad winter storm - freezing rain/sleet mix. And it won't be fun like Minnesota. The dogsledding was a real highlight. We went in shifts - two of us riding on the sled, Maury Duval driving the team of 10 dogs. Maury made the sled himself using white ash. Cindy sat in back and I squished up against her as tight as I could get. With a shout of "hike" we took off on a groomed trail that wandered over the snow-covered golf course. At first the dogs squabbled amongst themselves, more interested in social and anti-social behavior, but they quickly settled down to business. We clipped along at about 12 mph. On one curve, the sled swung wide and we headed for a tree. Maury halted the dogs and Cindy and I clambered out so he could lift the sled out of the snow and back on the trail. We were just about to load back up when the dogs got impatient and took off. Maury grabbed the sled and, pulled off his feet, went skidding down the trail on his side. As he passed Cindy she heard him say, "This is not good!" He finally got the dogs stopped and we loaded up again. We were almost home when we slid around another corner and turned over. I toppled out, head first into the deep snow - getting snow in the eyeholes of my spiderman mask. I had to dig my new camera out of the drift. It survived like the little trouper it is. Maury mumbled something about more weight on the front of the sled making it tougher to turn. Hmmmm, I believe I was the weight on the front of the sled! I wish I knew how to operate the video feature on the camera. I would love to have recorded the sound of the dogs and their eagerness to get to work. They were truly amazing and this was an experience of a lifetime.

1 comment:

Momisodes said...

Wow! That sounds like so much fun! What an experience. And I just love the photo. We got a rain/sleet mix today as well. Yuck.